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Ivana Smiljanić

15.7.2019. at 17:30 h, Gallery Podroom, Cultural Center of Belgrade

Ivana Smiljanić, Life According Ovulation. Photo: Ivana Smiljanić, Bucharest, 2017.

Moderator: Ana Vuković.

Ivana Smiljanić talks about seven years of restrictive diet. Two artificials. Annual average of six non-invasive assisted inseminations. Four states in five years. Longing for potatoes. Summer without ice cream. Phollic acid, Metformin, Selenium. Loneliness. Tears and sweating. Nebojša. Nationalism. Hanging of laundry at homes. Bank of egg cells (saved). CV (unsaved). Learning language. Microwaved popcorn. Expat packages. And what art has to do with it.

The program was realized as a part of the exhibition Silence is Deafness here and organized by Cultural Centre of BelgradeCultural Centre Magacin, BRINA.